Animal-Funeral Institute

Spirit animals,

life companions, best friends, and confidants. Family members who accompany you with joy and leave many special memories behind.

Out of gratitude for the good time – a dignified burial for your beloved pet.

In the difficult time of saying good-bye to your loved one, we are there for you.

With respect and dignity, we, the Mein Seelentier-Animal-Funeral Institute will escort you and your comrade until the return of the urn/ashes.

We will consider all your wishes and take care of the organizational tasks that might come up. That gives you the time to grieve and say good-bye.

We are your partner to organize the cremation of your beloved pet, including the transfer to the animal crematorium, the pet cemetary of your choice or collection from the veterinary pathology department.

We are available for you 365 days a year!

Types of cremation


Individual cremation

Your pet is individually cremated, and you receive the ashes of your pet. There is a fixed assignment using a firebrick, the number of which is recorded on all accompanying documents. You have the option of choosing an urn for safekeeping or burial.


Joint cremation

Your pet is cremated with other animals. You do not receive your pet’s ashes. The ashes are strewn on our forest pet cemetery “Auf dem Buchberg” in Langenselbold which you can visit at any time.

No matter which option you prefer, we, the Mein Seelentier-Animal Funeral Institute will be by your side and support you to the widest extent possible.

Our Prices


Pick-up service from home or veterinarian

Maintal city area40,00 €
up to 40 km within a radius of Maintal or Hofheim50,00 €
over 41 kmprices on request
Night surcharge after 19:00 o´clock50,00 €
Sundays and public holidays additional60,00 €

Prices for the cremation

WeightIndividual cremationJoint cremation
Up to 1 kg115,00 €50,00 €
1,1 bis 2 kg165,00 €70,00 €
2,1 bis 5 kg215,00 €100,00 €
5,1 bis 10 kg240,00 €120,00 €
10,1 bis 20 kg270,00 €150,00 €
20,1 bis 30 kg295,00 €170,00 €
30,1 bis 40 kg310,00 €190,00 €
40,1 bis 50 kg330,00 €210,00 €
50,1 bis 60 kg360,00 €230,00 €
Over 60 kg390,00 €250,00 €
Appointment cremation, laying out of the pet, presence at the individual cremation at the animal crematorium90,00 €

Ash return – personal home delivery of the urn

Up to 40 km within the radius of Maintal or Hofheim40,00 €
Over 41 kmprices on request

Paw print

Paw print made of claystarting at 49,00 €
Paw print for jewelry making by FOYA38,00 €
Paw print made of ink19,00 €

We are located in Maintal and Hofheim, close to Wiesbaden and Frankfurt am Main and all towns in between.

All prices include 19% VAT and are valid from March 2023.

Price change reserved. The prices depend on the weight determined by us.

We also accept VAT Forms.

Liebe Tierbesitzer,

aufgrund einer Trauerfeier sind das Büro und das Telefon heute (14.05.24) nicht besetzt.

Gerne können Sie uns Ihr Anliegen per E-Mail mitteilen. Wir versuchen uns
so bald wie möglich darum zu kümmern.

Wir bedanken uns für Ihr Verständins.

Das Team der Tierbestattung Mein Seelentier

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